

          SPONGE SOAP




Put the sponge in the middle of the soap so that when the soap is almost gone, there won't be just a small piece left. The sponge will absorb the remaining soap, and the sponge can also be used as a face wash. Our sponges can be designed in a variety of shapes and colors and will not fade due to the material the soap is made of.

#8081B #8081J #8081K
Size: 8 x 8 x 2.9 cm Size: 8 x 8 x 2.9 cm Size: 8 x 8 x 2.9 cm


#8081I #8081J #8082B
Size: 8 x 8 x 2.9 cm Size: 8 x 8 x 2.9 cm Size: 8 x 8 x 2.9 cm
Size: 8 x 8 x 2.9 cm
#8082K  #8083B(SS)
Size: 9 x 9 x 2.9 cm Size: 6 x 6 x 4.2 cm


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